Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another sleepover at Aunt Seana's

Wooohooo!! I got to go over to my Aunt Seana's again this weekend!! I think I was a bad boy tho cause one time she left me out for just 30 min to run an errand and I got a brush out of the toy box and started chewing it! It was yummy but she wasn't very happy about me doing that so the next time she went out, I was put into the crate which then I wasn't happy about and let everyone know by howling!! Hope she didn't get in trouble with her neighbors but I didn't like it when she left!

But she made up for it later as I got to meet Raelin, her 2 yr siberian husky grand-dog and it was sooo fun to play and wrestle with her!! Aunt Seana said Raelin hasn't gotten to play with any doggie friends lately so she was ready to meet me! She was a lot of fun to play with and she even got to sleepover Saturday night which was awesome!!

Then this morning, we got to go down to the beach and what a blast that was!! I loved the water and even got in as far as my chest!! Woohooo!!! I loved all the kids that came up to pet me and I just had sooo much fun!! Man, now I am totally wiped out and I'm just gonna take a nap with Aunt Seana before I go back home later tonight!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yappy Pawz

I finally recuperated from my hard weekend at the Dog Show and I got to go to Yappy Pawz tonight! Woohooo!!! This was the first time I got to go with all of my foster siblings so that was exciting. We got lots of treats from the workers...I like this place, Natural Pawz Sugar Land!! There was also lots of puppies there and I sooo wanted to play with them but no one would let me! I just don't understand why!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dog Show time

I got to go to the Reliant Dog Show this weekend and work at the TAMR booth. It was hard work having to be all cute and nice to all these strangers, but I did really good! I was tired after that. I got to go visit my Aunt Seana for the weekend and she brought me back Saturday and Sunday for the Dog Show. More being cute and nice to strangers but I loved it!! We also got to take breaks and walk around and even got to play with some Malamute and new Husky buddies. Whew, this rescue work is hard work!! Glad I can rest now!!

I enjoyed staying at Aunt Seana's as she gave me this big rawhide bone which was fabulous and we've gone on a couple of walks and just having a great time! She says I'm her big "rug-e" as I remind her of a big polar bear rug in her little apartment!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A new foster home!

OK, it's a good thing I'm young and can handle all these places they keep taking me to!! However, I think this is it! Mr. Carl came and picked me up to take me to my new foster home. Not sure what that means but it must mean a home with doggie buddies cuz now I have 3 of them!!! There is a really cute woolie Malamute, Lana and I love playing with her!! There's another woolie Husky but she won't give me the time of day! How rude! And finally there's a loud bossy Husky named Mocha. I think I'll like him after he stops barking at me! My first night here at the foster home was great!! Lana was in time out I think for most of the evening so I just played with Mocha. I like it here so far...well, except when they put me in the crate for sleeping but eventually I was quiet and we all had a good night sleep!

Here's some pics of me at my new foster home: