Sunday, May 31, 2009

Road Trip!

I got to go on a road trip today - woohooo!!! My first hurdle tho was to get into the truck...why do they have to be sooo tall? It was too high for me so Mr. Sandy was nice enough to give me a paw! I sure was ready for a road trip so I rode really well for Ms. Margie! I stayed in the back during the ride and laid down on this really cool comforter. Every once in awhile I needed to see the view out the window and other times I just watched Ms. Margie drive.

Ms. Margie said I "seem to have a nice temperament, likes people, and interested in other dogs. Very pretty boy with a nice head and build. Seems to be in really good physical condition otherwise and guessing he's in the 80-90 pound range." I overheard her say that I need leash training as I'm all over the place (I was just checking things out since there were sooo many new smells!) and since I jumped up on the counter, something about needing some manners' training. Don't know what all that means but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough! So far, I like the little vacation I'm on.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rescued by TAMR!

Thank dog for TAMR!! They sprung me from puppy jail as my owner just left me here with papers. That place was scary and fortunately I was only there for a day before a nice guy paid my bail and off we went.